I went to a white elephant exchange once and brought my gift in a gold, Saxs Fifth Avenue bag. It was the first one picked. The gift was junk, but the bag was the clincher!
I thought I'd share a tutorial on a very simple snowman gift bag that I put together for a classroom party for the kindergarten class at my son's school. It's great for younger children because it uses just white glue and there's very little cutting required. And it's always fun to see what the finished snowman looks, having been done through the eyes of a 5yo.

For materials, you will need the following:
1 - 8" x 10" white gift bag
1 - 3-1/2" x 1-1/2" piece of orange felt or fleece
1 - 1" x 8" piece of red felt or fleece
1 - 1" x 5" piece of red felt or fleece
1 - 3/4" x 5" piece of black felt or fleece
2 - 1" black buttons
1 - sheet red tissue paper
For supplies, you will need white glue, scissors and optionally pinking shears.
(Sizes can be adjusted for different-sized gift bags.)

Begin by putting a stream of glue across the center of the bag and apply the long piece of red felt or fleece.

Next, use the scissors to snip both ends of the short piece of red felt or fleece to make fringe for the scarf.

Fold the short piece of felt or fleece in half and glue on top of the scarf.

Shape the piece of orange felt or fleece into a carrot-shaped nose. Pinking shears provide a nice edge to the shape.

Glue the nose to the face of the snowman.

Cut the strip of black felt or fleece into squares. You'll need 6 or 7 pieces.

Align the squares to make eyes and a mouth and glue in place.

Glue the buttons to the front of the snowman below the scarf.

Insert the tissue paper.

That's it! Now you have a cute snowman decorating your gift, so the fun will begin before the package is even opened.
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