This is it!! I'm so excited!!
Today is the last day to enter the contest for the set of 3 personalized photo name blocks. So many people have joined as members but didn't leave a way for me to contact them, so I can't include them in the give-away. It's not too late, though! If you already joined as a member, just drop me a note with your user profile name and your contact information. You can leave a comment or email it to me directly at Sheri @ childmade dot com. The members that are officially entered are listed below. If you don't see your profile listed, please get me your contact information asap so I can add you to the list.
If you haven't already joined, you can still do so until 11:59 pm, central time. (Notice! You don't need to join my blog as a follower, but rather my web page at as a member.)
And if you want to increase your odds with an additional entry, just review the site and leave a comment letting me know what you like or don't like about it. (Please include your profile name.)
via comment on blog post
mommy2luke2008 / maryw24
-- plus 5 shared links
anon / Amanda020609
Ginny / ginneee
jennifer / jenn4joy
-- plus 4 shared links
fawn / fawnlet
sewcrafty / sewcraftytx
Jen Thomas / kenjet01
Stacey - Elle Belle / ellebellebaby
-- plus a site review
-- plus 2 shared links!
Gretta / bamagv
Paige / epfaulkner
-- plus a site review
Rebecca / mrscoachhatfield
Amie / amiejo
via Site Comments
Mommy of 3
via Profile setup w/email
via Direct Email
And be sure to check out the latest entries on my home page