***** DRAWING 8/20/10 at Noon *****
Just so you know that I haven't been sitting around lazing the summer away (as if that would be wrong somehow ... ??)

I love the colors on this one! So cool and "boyish." And the embroidered letters add such a soft, rich effect to the finished product.
(Want to make one of your own but don't have an embroidery machine? I'll be happy to embroider your letters custom for you for $1.50 each! Bargain! Just email me for the details!)
Totally craft-challenged but still MUST HAVE one? Well, you're in luck because I'm offering a give-away with this post -- in celebration of 200 followers! Yippee! Of course, I'm happy to have 200, but if 200 is good then 300 is better, right? So I'm already looking forward to 300 and what I might offer for my give away then.
To enter to win a custom-color family photo block like the one pictured above, just browse my blog and leave a comment as to your favorite tutorial of mine. Based upon the responses, I'll know what to offer at my 300-follower give-away.
So basically, that means you get to define my next give-away! Sound good? Of course, then you'll also want to become a follower so that you'll know when I post for the 300-follower give-away, and at the same time you'll be helping to hurry it along. How long could it take, right?
So glad you stopped by for a visit! While you're here, be sure to check out the endless list of inspirational ideas at my home page childmade.com.
I'll be linking to some of the fabulous link parties listed on the right sidebar ... but really, that's a LOT of parties! I probably won't get to them all, but you should stop in and visit a few yourself. While you're at it, stop by my home page and add a few links of your own!