For those that don't know, many of my crafts are developed for offering at the Family Christmas Workshop presented by my church. It's a make-n-take style workshop where we provide the supplies needed for 250-500 each of 28-30 different crafts. We try to plan out the supplies as closely as possible, but with the open format of the event, attendance activity is really a bit of a swag and we often have supplies left over. But we also don't like to repeat the crafts from year to year, so the left-over materials need to be re-purposed into another craft.
This is one of those crafts.
My mission was to come up with something to do with the lace left over from the the
Victorian Lace Ball ornament. We also had clothes pins leftover from the
Clothes Pin Angel.
The materials needed are as follows:
1 - round clothes pin
1 - 5" square of lace
1 - white standard (narrow) chenille stem
1 - 3/8"-wide white chenille stem
1 - red standard (narrow) chenille stem
1 - 6mm brown pom
2 - 2" lengths of 1/8" red satin ribbon
2 - 8" lengths of 1/8" red satin ribbon
1 - 1/2" red ribbon rose
1 - 6" length of gold string
1 - small rubber band
The supplies you will need are: scissors, glue, a brown marker and a permanent black marker.

Begin by drilling a small hole through the clothes pin. Aligning the slit in the clothes pin to the front, like legs, the hole should be drilled sideways, to hold the arms.

Fold the lace into fourths. Snip a small hole at the very center of the lace. Cut the lace into a circle.

Slip the hole in the lace over the tip of the clothes pin. Gather the lace around the clothes pin and secure it with a rubber band.

Slip the narrow white chenille stem through the lace and through the hole in the clothes pin.

Bend the arms up at the shoulders and secure them together at the top. Trim as needed.

Align one of the 2" red ribbons over the shoulder of the ballerina and glue in place.

Repeat on the other side.

Wrap a piece of the red chenille stem around the clothes pin covering the rubber band and glue in place. You could also use a wider piece of ribbon for this step.

To keep the skirt standing out and not drooping, wrap a piece of the wide white chenille around the clothes pin, sliding it up tight to the red chenille stem, pushing up the skirt. Glue in place.

Glue one end of a longer piece of red satin ribbon to one side of the clothes pin legs. Begin wrapping the ribbon around the leg like a candy cane.

Wrap around the toes and reverse direction, wrapping back up the leg.

Add a final wrap straight across the top to finish off. Glue in place.

Repeat the ribbon ties on the other leg.

Next, use the brown marker (or yellow if you prefer
blonde) and color in the hair of the ballerina.

Glue the small pom onto the newly-colored hair.

Take a piece of the wide chenille stem and bend to fit the top of the clothes pin, forming a hat or crown for the ballerina. Glue it onto the top of her head, covering the edges of her hair. Add the piece of gold string to the arms for a hanger.

Use the black marker to add eyes to the face of the ballerina.

Glue the ribbon rose to the back of the ballerina to cover the raw edges of the ribbon and chenille.

And there she is. Isn't she sweet hanging from an ornament hanger?

I think my favorite part is the little bun in her hair. And if you give her a spin, she does a perfect
I hope you give this a try and let me know how it turns out for you.
And be sure to check out the endless list of inspirational ideas at my home page
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